Create high-Sharpe, low-correlation strategies for your portfolios.

Machine-readable data, built on the World’s leading forecast models

KPIs that matter to fundamental investors, built on the world’s best data and powered by industry-leading models. All accessible via API, ready to boost your most sophisticated strategies.
Our join keys and weighting algorithms create more powerful synthetic signals than any single dataset can on its own. We can also help optimize your data ensemble for more accurate signals.
Alternative datasets suffer from restatements and change frequently, but your process shouldn't have to. Tap into our broad history of point-in-time predictions tied to business drivers across thousands of global tickers.
Alternative datasets already on Maiden Century
The Quantitative Tools for Investment Professionals (QTIP) is a series of signals derived from your alternative data assets to create high Sharpe, low correlation, differentiated products for quantitative portfolios.
The Quantitative Tools for Investment Professionals (QTIP) is a series of signals derived from your alternative data assets to create high Sharpe, low correlation, differentiated products for quantitative portfolios.
Our 'DIY' (Data Input Yourself) model allows you to receive signals unique to you, minimizing the risk of signal arbitrage.
Choose a smarter, more scalable way to work
Get in touch with us today to request a free demo with our team of data experts ready to answer all your questions.